- Vax@NUS is an app for staff at the NUS University Health Centre (UHC)
to keep track of the COVID-19 vaccination status of students.
- It is targeted at staff who are proficient and comfortable with the Command Line Interface (CLI), as the app will have very limited UI interaction features.
Example usages:
- Create, read, update and delete (CRUD) of student profiles which details critical information such as:
- Contact information
- Vaccination status
- If not vaccinated, their preference for vaccination (yes/no)
- Medical history, existing medical conditions and allergies
- Creating and managing vaccination appointments for students
Problems addressed:
- Eliminates the need for the university to use the Ministry of Health’s database.
- This in turn simplifies the process of contacting, monitoring and administering vaccines for students.
- Consolidates and streamlines only data relevant to vaccinations into one app.
- Goal: To create a COVID-free NUS campus where student and academic life can flourish without restrictions.
Planned Features:
- On top of the fields already available in AB3, the user will be able to input the following:
- Student’s matriculation number
- Vaccination status/preference
- Faculty
- Residence on campus (if applicable)
- Medical history
- A filter function that will allow the user to display a specific group of students
- The user will be able to view all the detailed information of a student at a glance. Currently, only the summarised information on the UI can be viewed.
- Create vaccination appointments and display them on the UI.
- Detect duplicate entries.
- Sort vaccination appointments and display only upcoming ones.
- Provide statistical insights regarding the vaccination of the student population, by faculty, residence or other relevant parameters.
- Undo feature to quickly correct accidental mistakes.
For the detailed documentation of this project, see the Vax@NUS Website.
This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.